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Deep Freeze dari
perusahaan Faronics, memungkinkan untuk memblokir keadaan sekarang ini
(sesuai setting user) pada sistem. Aplikasi ini dapat merekomendasikan
keadaan aman bagi administrator sistem, yang dapat digunakan meliputi
jaringan lokal area dari perpustakaan, sekolah dan internet di cafe.
Balancing Security with Productivity
Deep Freeze is the only solution that effectively balances workstation security with user productivity. By mapping user and application data to a Thawed (unprotected) partition or drive, users are able to store their documents, pictures, music, etc., While still enjoying the total system consistency that Deep Freeze offers.
Flexible Resiliency
Deep Freeze offers flexible scheduling options that enable IT administrators to easily create automated update and maintenance periods. Schedule Deep Freeze to allow system and virus definition updates to occur from predefined times-either with the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console or using your preferred third-party desktop management solution.
Visit the Key Features page for a full listing of Deep Freeze's capabilities and options for the two Windows editions: Standard and Enterprise. Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows Server editions are also available.
Discover how Deep Freeze applies to your environment:
Education Corporate & Government Hospitality Libraries
Education Corporate / Government Hospitality Libraries
Download Aplikasi
Deep Freeze is the only solution that effectively balances workstation security with user productivity. By mapping user and application data to a Thawed (unprotected) partition or drive, users are able to store their documents, pictures, music, etc., While still enjoying the total system consistency that Deep Freeze offers.
Flexible Resiliency
Deep Freeze offers flexible scheduling options that enable IT administrators to easily create automated update and maintenance periods. Schedule Deep Freeze to allow system and virus definition updates to occur from predefined times-either with the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console or using your preferred third-party desktop management solution.
Visit the Key Features page for a full listing of Deep Freeze's capabilities and options for the two Windows editions: Standard and Enterprise. Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows Server editions are also available.
Discover how Deep Freeze applies to your environment:
Education Corporate & Government Hospitality Libraries
Education Corporate / Government Hospitality Libraries
Download Aplikasi
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